"Huvispan serves the entire Brazilian territory with cutting-edge solutions for the textile segment."

Huvispan seeks to minimize environmental impacts through its Waste Management Program. The program involves actions that reduce waste and favor sustainable development, preserving the environment.

Huvispan develops actions aimed at sustainability, the conscious use of natural resources and the reduction of water waste.

Estação de tratamento ETA/ETE

Drinking Water / Waste Water treatment plant

The Company treats all the water used in the internal process and returns the water appropriately to the environment, in compliance with legal obligations.

Programa de Descarte Zero de Produtos Químicos Perigosos (ZDHC)

Zero Disposal of Hazardous Chemicals Program (ZDHC)

Currently, the company uses chemical products and dyes from suppliers that participate in the ZDHC program, thus avoiding products that are harmful to the environment.

Processo de tingimento

Dyeing process

Still in the process of being implemented, our dyeing process is less aggressive because it does not contain restricted substances, respecting the environment, in addition to being in line with the concept of circular cost saving.

Coleta seletiva

Selective garbage collection

In addition to the separation of materials and proper disposal for recycling, Huvispan collects seals from cans, bottle caps, yarn cones and electronic materials for social actions involving charitable entities in the state of Santa Catarina.

Coleta seletiva

Printing reduction

Recently, Huvispan implemented the use of two screens to reduce paper printing only for reviewing purposes, also using drafts when printing internal documents is necessary.

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